Academic board

Chief Principal/Council Secretary

Deputy Principal Administration

Deputy Principal – Academic Affairs

Registrar Administration

Registrar Academics

Dean of Students

HoD Mechanical & Automotive Engineering

HoD Electrical & Electronic Engineering

HoD Computing and Informatics

HoD Applied Sciences

HoD Fashion Design and Cosmetology

HoD Building and Civil Engineering

HoD Hospitality and Tourism Management

HoD Health Sciences

HoD Liberal Studies

Short Courses and University Programmes Coordinator

Quality Assuarance

Industrial and Liaison Officer


Examination officer

Performance Contracting Coordinator

HoD Business Studies & Entrepreneurship
The Polytechnic has an Academic Board as provided under Section 10 of the Polytechnic Order.
Composition of the Board
- The Chief Principal, who is also the Chairperson;
- The Deputy Principals;
- The Dean of Students;
- The Heads of the Teaching Departments of the Polytechnic;
- The Librarian; and
- Two members elected by the students’ organization of the Polytechnic, who shall however not be entitled to attend deliberations of the Academic Board on matters which are considered by the chairperson of the Academic Board to be confidential and which relate to examinations, the general discipline of students, and other related matters.
The Chairperson may invite any of the following to attend meetings of the Academic Board:
- The Registrar;
- The Finance Officer;
- The Senior Procurement Officer;
- Two persons nominated by the Staff Association representing academic staff; and
- Two persons nominated by the Staff Association representing administrative staff.
Powers of the Academic Board
The Academic Board shall have the following powers and duties:
- To satisfy itself regarding the content and academic standard of any course of study in respect of any diploma, certificate or other award of the Polytechnic and to report its findings thereon to the Council;
- To propose regulations for consideration by the Council regarding the eligibility of persons for admission to a course of study;
- To propose regulations for consideration by the Council regarding the standard of proficiency to be gained in each examination for a diploma, certificate or other award of the Polytechnic;
- To decide which persons have attained the prescribed standard of proficiency and are otherwise fit to be granted a diploma, certificate or other award of the Polytechnic and to report its decision thereon to the Council;
- To propose regulations governing such other matters as are within its powers in accordance with this Order;
- To approve programmes of study, regulate admission of persons to the Polytechnic and determine their continuance or discontinuation in such programmes;
- To approve programmes of study, regulate admission of persons to the Polytechnic and determine their continuance or discontinuation in such programmes;
- Prescribe conditions for qualifying for conferment of a diploma, certificate, award of various titles, distinction and other awards offered by the Polytechnic;
- To determine the academic policy of the Polytechnic and to advise the Council on the provision of facilities to carry out that policy;
- To direct and regulate the teaching and instruction within the Polytechnic and the examinations held by the Polytechnic, subject to the powers of Council herein before defined;
- To make recommendations to the Council for the diplomas and certificates to be conferred by the Polytechnic;
- To approve diplomas, certificates and other academic qualifications to be awarded by the Polytechnic; and
- To consider and approve the appointment of internal and external examiners.