The Polytechnic is governed by a Council appointed by the Cabinet Secretary in charge of Education.  The term of office of the Council is 3 years from the date of appointment.

The current Polytechnic Council was appointed in March 2023.  It comprises the following members:

Dr. Partricia M. Mbogoh – Chairperson
Mr. Andama Geoffrey Nyamweya – Council Secretary
Mr. Ephraim Munene – Principal Secretary Representative
Dr. Luciana Sanzua – Council Member
Mr. Peter Munyao – Council Member


Eng. Nuru Bwanakombo – Council Member
Mr. Albert Kagwa – Council Member
Mr. Shukri Baramadi – Council Member
Functions of the Council

Section 6 of The Kenya Coast National Polytechnic Order, 2016 outlines the broad mandate of the Council as follows:

  1. The Council shall ensure that a proper management structure is in place and that the management maintains the corporate integrity, reputation and responsibility of the Polytechnic.
  2. The Council shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of strategies, policies, and management plans of the Polytechnic.
  3. The Council shall constantly review the viability and financial sustainability of the Polytechnic at least once in every year.
  4. The Council shall ensure that the Polytechnic complies with all the relevant laws, regulations, governance practices and accounting and auditing standards.